The village once had a bell—one that only rang for men of substance. It tolled for warriors, for leaders, for those whose hands built bridges where others saw walls. Today, if that bell were to ring, it would do so in honor of a man whose deeds have carved his name into the corridors of history.
Today, March 15th, the drumbeats of time call us to a grand occasion—the birthday of a man whose name carries weight, whose presence commands respect, and whose work speaks louder than any praise we can gather. Ambassador (Dr.) Oamien Roy Okhidievbie is the man—the one who walks in big shoes, yet leaves footprints gentle enough to guide those behind him.
The elders say, a warrior is not known by the sharpness of his blade, but by the peace he secures for his people. If that is true, then here stands a warrior who relies less on his spear and more on his strategy—one who knows that brute force sits far behind foresight.
As Group CEO of August Eye Security and HR Services, he builds walls of defense and even builds systems of trust. As Chairman of ChrisHerm Int’l Limited, he creates opportunities. And as National Secretary of Retired Members of Nigerian Armed Forces (REMENAF), he serves retired soldiers—ensuring that their sacrifices are not buried under the dust of forgetfulness.
Many talk about leadership, but few wear it like a second skin. He has consistently defined leadership beyond titling.—it is an everyday responsibility, a weight he carries without bending, a duty he shoulders without complaint.
Nigeria is full of men in positions, but how many take the position and turn it into a mission? How many wake up thinking not of their own comfort, but of the countless lives depending on them? Few, very few. And that is why a rare breed like Ambassador (Dr.) Oamien Roy Okhidievbie deserves the loudest drum at the village square, where the wise gather to honor those who truly serve.

A river that forgets its source will one day run dry. But here is a man who knows where he comes from, and that is why his impact flows endlessly. He has given his years to the service of others, so today, let us give him his flowers while he can still smell them. Let us remind him that his labor is not in vain, that his journey is not unnoticed, and that the seeds he has planted will bear fruits long after today.
Happy Birthday, Ambassador (Dr.) Oamien Roy Okhidievbie! May the roads rise to meet you, may your wisdom multiply like the stars, and may your impact echo in places you have not yet walked.
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