Why Fathers Should Not Be Celebrated

My father sent me #6000 through POS Yesterday. I had a visitor on Friday who planned to stay for 3 days. The visitor got to my place in the afternoon.

I asked, “What have you eaten since morning?”

“Bread,” he replied.

“Oh, that’s good,” I responded, then I went for 4’O clock prayer.

While I was coming back from the mosque, I couldn’t go to my house. I was disturbed with the thought of “what will this person eat now”

If I were the only one, nothing concern me, I go rugged am, buh visitor dey. I was just sitting down opposite my house, staring at the gate, thinking.

Then I flashed back to my father, how few times he came home late.

Then, I now related both events

  1. There’s no food at home
  2. My father came home late

Then I was like, the same way I feel, that I didn’t have the urge to go to my house, my father must have felt 10 times!

My father has my mother, my three siblings and I, as his responsibilities. But I have no wife nor children, yet I feel this way? How did my father feel?

Then, I reminisced more and sent him a voice note on whatsApp. [Listen to voice note in the embedded Twitter link.]

The writer tried to translate for non yoruba speakers, what he sent to his father

Immediately, my father listened to the voice note, he called me. There was silence at first then he told me: “I will give you 5000”

I replied, “I only told you that just to share how I felt and how I connected that to understand how you must have felt then”

Silence again. He sighed… took a deep breath, and we ended the call

The next day, which was yesterday (Saturday), he sent a text. He even called me afterwards. He sent 6000 instead of 5000.

His silence was loud, and I understood it. The curse a man carries, the cross, the burden, his provision till he dies is not easy.

A man’s home is like a stomach, no matter how much you fed it today, by tomorrow, you must feed it again if you don’t want “home ulcer.”

The fact that a man will bear his curse, his cross, and so on and the woman can/will ‘steal’ the children away, then watering down years of contributions is devastating

Appreciate your father today, that man na man, e no easy

I’m DaddyBRYL

Writer: @DaddyBRYL (Twitter)

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